Hi guys!!! Wow, did I miss you, did you miss me too?
It was a long time away and a lot of hard work, but now I am back, and better than ever, because now I am a PhD! After 6 years, 225 pages of a dissertation, and too many days to count when I thought I had lost my mind, I am FINALLY finished. There are not words to describe how relieved and happy I feel, but just check out this big smile on my face!

It felt great to show my family and friends my more professional side, and to demonstrate to the scientific community what I have accomplished. I could literally feel my heart swelling with pride as it dawned on me just how big of an achievement this is. I actually think I surprised myself with how much I know, and how far I have come. It's funny, when you work on something for so long, and hold onto it so tight, sometimes you miss the big picture. And the big picture here is that not only am I amazed to have been blessed with the talents and determination to earn a PhD, but I am also immensely lucky to have have family, friends, and co-workers that have supported me, encouraged me, and always believed in me. They are my heart, and without them, none of this would have been possible.
The entire day of my defense was more than I could have hoped for - my boss said my talk was excellent (which is high praise), and I felt like it was hands down the best presentation I have ever given. My family and almost all my friends were there, and after everything was done, we popped open bottles of champagne to celebrate.
Can you tell how excited I was to be done?
My lab did a fantastic job of organizing food and drinks for everyone to enjoy, and my good friend Marie came with a special surprise - a lab-themed cake from Jenny Wenny Cakes!
Yes, I am a complete nerd because I totally loved this.
We relaxed, drank wine, ate lots of food, and generally were happy. Of course, the best part for me (aside from the huge weight lifted off my shoulders) was to be able to celebrate the day with my Mom, Dad, and my sister.
After everything was done, my family and I spent the rest of the weekend lounging at the pool, going to the beach, and eating amazing food. Because what is a celebration weekend without a little sunshine and good eats?
At the end of the weekend, my sister and packed up the car and headed up to Sequoia National Park for a few days of camping. After writing 225 pages for my dissertation, all I could think about was unplugging and getting away from the computer, and some time in the fresh air of the mountains was just what I needed. The weather was perfect, we saw tons of wildlife, and definitely had an adventure driving into Mineral King. (Has anyone else been there? Soooo beautiful, but seriously - that road?! Holy shit.) I have tons of photos and can't wait to tell you more about our vacation, but that is for another post and another day.
For now, I can't leave you with out a recipe, and I felt like I needed to celebrate my PhD here on The Cilantropist with a little dessert.
So of course, I turned to chocolate. Pure and unadulterated, these Individual No-bake Chocolate Cakes are the epitome of effortless indulgence. Basically just a combination of chocolate and heavy cream, you can make these in under 10 minutes and they are sinfully good.