PICKLES! Pickles, pickles, pickles!!! Oh how I love them. Just thinking about pickles makes me want to do a happy dance, so just use your imagination to conjure up your best of image of what I do when I actually eat one. And just look at the word "pickle," doesn't it make you want to giggle?
Pickles have been a favorite food of mine since childhood when I used to eat them by the jar. Literally. (As I mentioned before, I am not sure how my mom let me get away with this, or how my stomach could handle digesting an entire jar of pickles. Children are tough.) I would eat all varieties of pickles: Kosher, zesty dill, bread and butter, spears, hamburger slices, and especially those giant deli pickles that they pull out of the huge glass jar at the local sandwich shop. No dill spear was safe from the voracious appetite of The Little Cilantropist. Pickles are an old-fashioned food that I associate with home, and comfort, and a casual, fun sort of eating, and it looks like I am not alone.

Now that I am all grown up (or at least I am often seen masquerading as an adult), I still eat pickles with gusto, although not by the jarful any longer. Instead, I get my fix through pedestrian supermarket-variety pickles and dill spears that accompany the occasional sandwich or cheeseburger when I eat out. Since I think I am a pickle addict at heart, I began to wonder if this was really enough pickle-eating to get by. You see, I have recently felt like something was missing in my life, and I think that thing is The Pickle.

Notice that I used a few capital letters there when I referred to The Pickle. I did that on purpose, to specifically delineate the olive-green, less-than-crunchy, Vlasic-type pickle, from The Bright-Green, Full-of-Flavor, Homemade-Type Pickle. In fact, these homemade pickles really shouldn't even share the same name as those knock-offs crowding the shelves of giant supermarket chains; but alas, a pickle by any other name might not really be a pickle at all (plus, I don't actually have any power or influence to change the names of foods), so for now these are Pickles with a capital P.