Sunday, April 3, 2011

Easy Herbed Yogurt Dip, and another Chobani Greek Yogurt Giveaway

Lately I have been craving healthy food.  

I don't know if I overdid it with birthday celebrations last month, or if I indulged in one too many brownies, but overall I need to lighten my load.  In case you don't catch my drift, what I am really saying is I think I need to shed a few pounds.  I used to be an avid runner, working out at least 4 times a week, and I felt fit and full of energy.  When I worked out regularly, I could eat whatever I wanted - cakes, chocolate, ice cream - and not really feel any guilt because I knew I would easily burn off those indulgent calories.  But with workouts on the decline and sweet treats on the rise, I don't feel fit, I don't have as much energy, and I don't like it one bit.  

Time to whip myself into shape and get back the healthy balance that I loved.     

I don't know how you do it, but when I really want to overhaul my eating, I turn to a plant-based diet.  I generally love all vegetables, but they take center stage when I want something healthy.  Unfortunately, I wasn't born with a cute pink nose and two floppy ears so I don't really enjoy munching on raw, unadorned veggies.  Instead, I make delicious salads dressed up with avocados, kalamata olives or figs, I roast sweet potatoes and beets, and I munch on crispy kale chips.  I am also a sucker for any sort of veggie dip especially since it is great to eat for a snack and I can take it to work.

Sometimes veggie dips can be deceivingly unhealthy, so I wanted to make an Herbed Yogurt Dip that would be low-cal and low-fat, delicious, and quick and easy to make.  Naturally, I turned to plain non-fat Chobani Greek Yogurt for the base, since it has an amazing tang that pairs well with vegetables, and is high in protein.  

I flavored the dip with some of my favorite herbs, a little lemon juice and garlic, as well as a small amount of goat cheese and extra virgin olive oil for richness.  The cheese also contributes some extra protein, while the extra virgin olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats.      

The amount of parsley that equals a 'handful.'

Just throw everything in the food processor and you are done! 

With a food processor, this easy recipe can literally be made in under 5 minutes.  No joke.  Just add the yogurt, herbs, and remaining ingredients to the processor and it does all the chopping and blending for you.  If you don't have a food processor, you could easily use a blender to make this, or take a few extra minutes and chop the ingredients by hand.  

This recipe makes a decent amount of dip, so it is perfect for portioning out and taking to work for lunch, or for keeping in the fridge at home for snacking.  Better yet, next time you need a veggie platter for a party, skip the pre-packaged plastic trays from the grocer, and make this dip instead; it is substantially lower in fat, and paired with fresh-cut vegetables of your choice it will undoubtedly be a crowd-pleaser.

As I mentioned before, I made this dip with Chobani Greek Yogurt, which I think is much better for this kind of recipe than regular plain yogurt - the greek yogurt has a thicker texture, and a more vibrant, tangy flavor.  If you want to make this recipe yourself, you can head to the store and pick up some Chobani or you can win a whole case of Chobani here in my giveaway!  


If you missed it last month, I created a fantastic recipe for Chobani - Berry Frozen Yogurt with Lemon Sugar and Lavender Cream - and hosted a giveaway for a case of Chobani Greek Yogurt.  With over 200 comments for entries, I happy to announce the winner is Darla from Brookpark, OH!  Congrats Darla!  Please email me with your contact information to receive your yogurt!  I also thought the comments from Chobani fans were awesome and I couldn't resist sharing a few: 
Kimberly said...
My favorite way to eat Chobani is to let it sit in the freezer for an hour and then enjoy :-). I also love vanilla cho with cocoa roasted almonds.

Alexis said...
I love eating mine with a teeny tiny that it lasts that little bit longer hehe! ;)

Lindsay said...
And the very best way to eat chobani is sprinkled with rice krispies... maybe not the healthiest addition but I love the crunch!

My favorite way to eat chobani is in a blender with vanilla ice cream, milk, banana and chocolate chips!

If chobani came out with a banana flavor, then id be hooked for life

Erin said...
I almost always start my day with a smoothie... Fat free, plain chobani, a handful of frozen berries, and skim milk. Delicious.

Kristen said...
I eat greek yogurt with flax seeds for lunch pretty much every week. I also mix it in with meatballs (and usually some grated zucchini) to keep everything nice and moist

I am totally a fan of chobani on facebook! Who wouldn't be! Maybe if you are an alien! :)

Rebecca said...
Forget Edward....Team Chobani!!  <---Best comment!

The great folks over at Chobani are so generous that they are willing to give me another case of Chobani Greek Yogurt for you to win!  Giveaway is open to US residents only, and is open until Saturday, April 9th at midnight PST, and a winner will be chosen at random.  Here's how to enter:

(Each option is a separate entry, please leave a separate comment for each one if you want it to count!  If you do not have a blog, please leave your contact email.) 

1.  Leave a comment here telling me about your favorite healthy snack. 
2.  It's National Nutrition Month!  Head to the Chobani site and enter your healthy Chobani recipe to be made in their kitchen and photographed by a professional.  Leave a comment telling me you entered! 
3.  Be a NEW fan of The Cilantropist on facebook, by clicking the 'Like' button!
4.  Be a NEW subscriber to The Cilantropist by email, by entering your email in the sidebar.  
5. Tweet about this recipe and giveaway - Check out this #recipe for Easy Herbed Yogurt Dip from @TheCilantropist, and enter to win a case of @chobani! - Then leave a comment telling me you did.  


One year agoBella's Banana Bites

Easy Herbed Yogurt Dip
This dip is incredibly easy to make and has a bright, tangy flavor from the Greek yogurt, goat cheese, and lemon juice.  It can also be customized to fit the ingredients you have on hand, so feel free to play around with different herbs.  Making this with a food processor is quickest, but chop the ingredients and mix by hand if you like.  You can also thin out this dip with water to make a great salad dressing.

12 oz non-fat plain Chobani Greek Yogurt (2 small containers)
1 handful fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 handful fresh cilantro
1 green onion, top green part roughly chopped
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp salt, or to taste
pepper to taste

Assorted vegetables for serving

Add everything to a food processor or blender, and process until smooth.  Taste and adjust for ingredients to suit your taste.  Serve immediately with prepared vegetables, or refrigerate until use.  Refrigerated, will keep for 1 week. 


  1. This looks like a keeper recipe for sure. And healthy too? Bonus!

  2. Awesome recipe! Will enjoy it.

    My favorite snack is probably fresh oranges with a bit of yoghurt.

  3. What a great dip. I've never thought to toss cilantro into my yogurt dips...which is kind of surprising.

  4. A lovely dip! Fresh and flavorful.



  5. I love this dip! Sounds perfect for a crowd, too!

    I like to keep it simple with my snacks, I'm an apple and peanut butter gal!

  6. What a lovely looking Dip! I totally know that feeling: I've been craving healthy food recently, too. The problem is that I have been too busy to eat properly lately, or cook properly, so it's been quick and easy pasta and snatched meals here and there. Sigh.

    Here's to both of us getting the rest, exercise & healthy food we need =) Sad I can't enter the giveaway!

    Jax x

  7. My favorite healthy snack is celery or apples paired with an almond butter. Yum.

  8. favorite healthy snack? Got to be fruit and yogurt to dip it in!

  9. Mmm...bookmarked. Too bad I'm not eligible to enter the contest as I'm an international. Won't stop me from contributing my favorite healthy snack tho. I'm a smoothie fiend! I make them on the weekend and then enjoy them at work all week long. Mango is the best :)

  10. This looks so good - no wonder why you're craving healthy foods. This is something my daughter can make (with my help) after school for a great snack before homework. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love the Chobani recipe for guacamole and will be making it today.

  12. I like Greek yogurt with trail mix
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  13. NEW fan of The Cilantropist on facebook@tcarolinep jessieKatie S

  14. NEW subscriber to The Cilantropist by email


  16. I've been craving healthy food too! I think it's the changing weather! I just bought a ton of blackberries and fresh veggies! :D Thanks for sharing this dip, it looks super tasty.

  17. I eat greek yogurt every afternoon with homemade gluten free granola.

  18. Chobani with peanut flour mixed in! Protein packed and super delicious :)

  19. My favorite healthy snack is Chobani! Seriously it is my go to would be homemade salsa

  20. My favorite healthy snack is apples. I buy them 20 pounds at a time and am lucky to get a single apple crisp out of the box. The rest I snack on. It's a little ridiculous, I admit.

  21. Great recipe! I have recently been trying to find more great ways to enjoy Chobani plain since being diabetic I have to limit my sugar intake. One of my personal favorites is to sprinkle with cinnamon and drizzle with dark amber agave nectar for a high protein, fat free, low glycemic index snack. I look forward to more great ideas! Thank you.

  22. Looks delicious! My favorite snack is probably peanut butter stuffed Medjool dates. In fact, I'd love one right about now ;).

  23. My favorite go-to snack is vanilla Chobani with cinnamon & nutmeg to dip fresh fruit, especially strawberries.

  24. Great dip recipe, love your ingredient list, really look forward to trying.

  25. My favorite healthy snack is butternut squash soup. Whenever I want a lighter meal, its what I crave!

  26. I slice up a ruby red grapefruit to snack on throughout the morning.

  27. this will be great in my lunch pail! thanks!

  28. I like yogurt with nuts.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  29. I'm a new Facebook fan of yours (Mary Happymommy)

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  30. tweet:

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  31. Strawberries are my favorite healthy snack.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. New fan of The Cilantropist on FB - Janet Fri

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  33. New email subscriber.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. My favorite healthy snack is sliced apples with peanut butter. yum!

  35. my favorite snack is probably either nuts and dried fruit, something i eat at least once a day, or apples and peanut butter. or maybe ants on a log? eeek so many favorites to choose from!

  36. Fabulous and simple recipe! I've been feeling like I need more veggies lately, this is perfect. My usual morning snack is a pineapple cho, but I'm also a big fan of PB & apple!

  37. This sounds like a really great dip, and an awesome alternative to the norm. I love Chobani!

  38. Cheese and crackers! TJs sells this awesome vintage cheddar that I can't stop eating. It's dangerous!

  39. I've received the box of Chobani giveaway from Chef Dennis so I'll leave this one to somebody else but I'm so glad you posted this dip recipe because now I have one more way to use up that yummy yogurt!

  40. My favorite healthy snack is almonds.

  41. I'm like you, when I feel like losing a few, I naturally turn to vegetarian foods. This looks great!
    My favorite healthy snack is homemade hummus with baby carrots :)

    Thanks for the giveaway offer :)

  42. My favorite healthy snack is an apple. Easy, cheap and delicious!

    larkspurpurple (at)

  43. I tweeted:!/PurpleLarkspur/status/55132637093826562

    larkspurpurple (at)

  44. I completely understand what you mean about craving healthy food. It may be the sun, it may be the overload of wintery sweets, but I just want to eat lighter now! And my favorite healthy snack(s) always involve yogurt, whether it's simply with fruit and granola or in a smoothie :)

  45. My favorite health snack is probably lightly toasted wheat pita bread with a hummus (the Cilantropist's lemony version is awesome) or baba ganoush.

  46. I love throwing PB into my smoothies! Just a small one for a snack. Yum!

  47. I'm obsessed with apple slices with peanut butter. So good! :-)

  48. What a great looking dip! I bet fresh veggies taste just amazing with it. Thanks for sharing. You have a beautiful blog and I'm looking forward to exploring your recipes! :)

  49. My favorite healthy snack a piece of toast with peanut butter, bananas, and honey!

  50. i love to snack on celery or cucumbers with some italian dressing. i also love chobani as a snack.


  51. i like you on facebook!


  52. i subscribed through email!


  53. I have been craving healthy too! a fresh dip and lovely with some lavash!

  54. As much as I like "deceivingly unhealthy" dips sometimes. I know what you mean about craving fresh! GREG

  55. omg! I absolutely love the first pic! yous blog is full of inspirations :)

    have a great time,

  56. I love fresh vegetables but I definitely don't mind a great dip to go along with them...looks delicious!

  57. my favorite snack is probably pretzel rods or chobani


  58. I like to snack on sweet and savory tapas. I use whole grain toast or healthy crackers and top them with: greek yogurt, cinnamon and honey; almond butter and sliced pears; feta, olive oil and cherry tomatoes; avocado and lime; tuna fish, white beans, olive oil and lemon juice.
    I also love homemade sweet potato chips baked with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper; oven dried chickpeas with cumin, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and salt. YUM!

  59. I love yogurt dips, they a really tasty and healthy way to dress up your veggies. One of my favorite sweet snacks with yogurt is simply to mix it with honey and top with fresh fruit.

  60. I love yogurt dips with veggies. I will definitely try this recipe! My favorite healthy snack right now either homemade trail mix or a homemade yogurt parfait.

  61. Yum! That looks fabulous and so do your photos as always...drool! My favorite snack is frozen grapes. Love 'em in the hot summer months!

  62. Roasted chickpeas for the win! Tossed with olive oil and seasoned salt or whatevs on hand, roasted until crispy....nom!

  63. My favorite healthy snack changes day to day and week to week. Fruit is always a favorite, but right now I'm really enjoying baby carrots and hummus. I found a spicy cilantro flavor that I can't get enough of.

  64. I tweeted about your giveaway!

  65. I love your blog name, because I LOVE cilantro!

    My favorite healthy snack is a banana with PB and sesame seeds.

  66. I went to the Chobani website recipe entry.

  67. I love greek yogurt mixed with some sugary kids cereal lol :)

  68. My favorite snack is carrots, celery and hummus, with herbed yogurt dip on the side!

  69. My go to snack is carrots and a laughing cow cheese wedge- super easy and satisfying

  70. I love cottage cheese with fruit, mainly pineapple. I've found to love Chobani pineapple just as much!

  71. Also tweeted the entry via @foxyjenrn

  72. Favorite healthy snack? Baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, button mushrooms and hummus.. lots of hummus. Like enough to feed a small army. That'll get me through an afternoon =)

    xo - Marie
    Chocolate & Wine

  73. Oh my favorite healthy snack lately has been sliced cucumbers and apples, a squeeze of lime, tiny sprinkle of salt & a generous helping of Mexican chili powder. It sounds a bit strange...but it's crunchy,sweet, tangy and spicy :)

  74. of course I already a fan on FB :)

  75. I love yogurt with jam! I know the jam makes it a little less healthy but I like to get my servings of fruit in ;)

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  76. This is the first time making a yogurt dip myself. Usually buy them. The disappointing thing about this recipe is the goat cheese is not listed in the ingredients. Therefore, I got home Thanksgiving Day without goat cheese. I am sure it would of been much better. alas

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